A Visual Designer helping solve a user's

Hi,👋 I'm Shivi


I am a Visual Designer with keen interests in coding, data analysis, and design systems. Also, incredibly fascinated by the interplay between AI and design. I craft web platforms, apps, and editorial projects, with focus on design systems, SEO, analytics, and growth strategy to boost satisfaction, revenue, and traffic, reducing drop-off rates.


in Sunnyvale, California

Fun Fact

I am a third-culture individual who has moved eight cities spanning three continents to date.


NID & Parsons Alumnus

Designing With Purpose

I create and optimize websites pro bono for non-profits. By contributing my digital skills and expertise, I help advance meaningful causes and empower impact-driven organizations to increase their online reach and better promote their missions.

Get in touch


As a creative generalist, I employ a range of mediums to my designs

Experience in designing products both consumer & enterprise

Astera Aries Retimer Webpage Redesign
Redesigning Astera Labs webpage for higher engagement
AI-driven skill graph dashboard
AI Skill Graph dashboard for enhanced productivity at Asana

I code

An interface to browse content from Are.na (CMS)
A tailored interface and CMS to discover content on Are.na
Imagining Data with David Carroll
A publication exploring data scenarios and their consequences
The Anti-Racist working group
Online platform aimed at promoting anti-racist education
Cocktail recipe generator from a crowd-sourced API
Recipe generator for adventurous home bartenders
A Web Invite for Tiny Miracles
A website inviting visitors for an event empowering women
Converting words into visuals
Transforming textual content into visual representation

Proficient with using AI tools for designing

UX in the age of AI
Visualizing human advancement while resolving AI errors
UX in the age of AI
Using generative image and text to ideate on-brand experiences